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Selectively merging files from across branches

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Recently, I've had the need to merge selective files from one branch into another. This isn't something I recommend doing often, but if you're stuck in a position where you need a few files from another branch, here is one way to do it:

The process:

Let's say you have a branch named feature-1 and want the file from the feature-2 branch:

  1. First, from the feature-1 branch, merge the feature-2 branch with squash option (git merge --squash feature-2) to avoid creating a merge commit.
  2. Reset the files (or entire folders) that you don't want in feature-1 (git reset origin/feature-1 tests/ or git reset origin/feature-1 tests/ or remove them completely (git rm tests/
  3. Add and commit the file(s) you want in your branch with a new commit message (git add && git commit -m "merge from feature-2").
  4. Clean the branch to remove untracked changes (git clean -xfd), -f for force, -d to remove the untracked directories, and -x to remove the ignored files.
  5. Restore the tracked changes (git restore .)
  6. Push the changes to the remote branch (git push).